Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It's too darned hot!

As you can see by Shelly the diva-cat's poignant pose, it's really hot here, folks! Yeah, I know. It's hot everywhere. But most people of my immediate acquaintance (including the folks who live above us and below us) have central air-conditioning. Not us! Nope... we've always counted on cross-breezes wafting in from the lake to cool us day and night. It's one of the perks of living by the lake: In the summer, it is cooler by the lake. In winter, it is warmer by the lake. But those meteorological cliches have been meaningless for the last few days.

(Note: if you're wondering what the tattered thingamajig next to Shelly is, it is the legendary hideous sock toy. It is so dear to her that she is rarely more than a few yards from it at any given time. She carries it around in her mouth and coos to it. She's had it since she was a kitten, lo, these dozen years ago. We want to take it away and replace it with a newer, cleaner model--and we periodically bring home similar items in hopes of tempting her away from this red and yellow horror--but she is nothing if not faithful to it. Alas!)

Back to the screed about degrees Fahrenheit.

It's not as if we are complete Luddites--we have a window unit. It's just that the only window it makes sense in is the bedroom window, and if it were there, it would blast right on us. That's not an option. And, although we had our kitchen electricity upgraded a couple of years ago when we redid the kitchen and back bathroom, the rest of our power is woefully antiquated. I'm not even sure we could plug the thing in without blowing a fuse. And we're too hot and too lazy, given those parameters, to bother to drag the thing out of the closet where it resides, set it up in said window, and test said hypothesis.

So we deserve all the sweaty, sleepless nights that come our way.

We know that. We accept that.

We just hope that the temperature moderates a bit by tomorrow, as "they" say it is going to.

And we're really, really glad that we aren't covered with thick, white, fluffy fur like SOME creatures we know.


Blogger Cathy VanPatten said...

Oh yeah. She'd just LOVE it! Can you imagine the feline outrage. Heh.

4:14 PM  

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