Sunday Afternoon at Nevin's

We live in Chicago, but we are so close to Evanston that we do most of our shopping, dining, and general wandering there. This chilly afternoon, we took advantage of one of the great Sunday pastimes our North Shore neighbors have to offer: The session at Tommy Nevin's Pub.

Led by John Williams, erstwhile concertina/accordian player for Solas, the Sunday session is a wonderful way to spend a lazy afternoon. Sip a pint of Harp, nosh on bad-for-you but o-so-tasty fried pub snacks, and enjoy the lively Irish jigs and reels.

On any given Sunday, the session will include several flute tootlers and fiddlers, a couple of guitarists, a couple of bodhran players, a bouzouki player, and, naturally, Williams on concertina. This afternoon there were a couple of tenor banjos and a mandolin thrown in the mix as well. Back in the summer, a cellist from Boston dropped by. Young and old alike are welcomed, and whole families come to the pub to listen. Every once in a while, little girls who have taken or are taking step-dancing classes tiptoe a turn around the room.
If you ever find yourself in Evanston on a Sunday afternoon, check it out. It starts at 3:00 pm and ends at around 5:00.

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