Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Song of the Cicadas

Here in northern Illinois, we're in the midst of the emergence and relatively short life-cycle of the 17-year periodic cicadas, and all I can say is... DAMN! They are LOUD!

None (or too few to make any kind of impact) emerged in my neighborhood in the city, nor, it seems, along the Evanston lakefront, to our north. At least, I have not seen or, more to the point, heard, any in my recent perambulations. But in Glenview where I work?

Close your eyes and imagine the modulated clash of a hundred Theramins, turned to 11. Or, if you are a '50s creature feature buff, imagine the noise of the ants in Them, multiplied, say, a hundred times. You can hear them through the plate glass windows!

It's kind of scary and kind of fascinating and I think if I had to put up with it day and night it probably would be more than kind of crazy making. But you know, I'm going to miss it when those slow-moving bumbly bugs are gone!

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