A Little Slice o' Roadside Cheeze!

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes! I grew up a mere couple of hours from this place--it was there all along--and yet only last week did I walk through the portals of Dinosaur Land!
Airfares to Charlottesville, Shendandoah Valley Airport, Richmond, Roanoke, Lynchburg--anyplace less than a hundred miles away from Waynesboro, basically--being obscene, Jeff and I opted to fly into Dulles and rent a car. Since our return flight was not until after 8:00 p.m., we decided to take the scenic route up the valley (via U.S. 11, mostly), which included time to stop and tour this mecca of roadside dino-parks.

From the moment you enter the gift shop and ticket emporium, you know you have hit paydirt. The gift shop is huge (three rooms, one is enormous), and chock full of souvenirs in the grand old tradition of roadside attractions of yore. Take it from a tourist trap aficionada, it's hard to find a good cheezy souvenir shop nowadays. At any rate, this one had all the goods, from a whole counter of cedar plaques (mostly of wolves, eagles, and Jesus),

to an impressive array of fireworks

and, of course, all things dino, and sauro, and thera, and... you get the picture.
For a mere five bucks apiece, you can tour the grounds, which contain a host of creatures, very few of which ever trod this Earth together. What a treat!
The entrance, through the gaping maw of a fiberglass tree face, extends a warning:

Right inside the enclosure, you come across an octopus with the eyes of a cartoon... and its little pal.

Right next to that is a skeery shark... why, it's literally a fish out of water! (That's a recurring theme, folks... stay tuned!)

Near the start of the dino trail, we came upon Dimetrodon, which, as Jeff was quick to point out, is not really a dinosaur (despite what the nearby info plaque said). It is a pelycosaur--a mammal-like reptile. And no, I'm not a compendium of knowledge of dinos. Jeff is, though, kinda, so I'm depending on him for the skinny on these creatures.

I don't know what this guy is, but he certainly looks pissed off. I think I will call him Scowlosaurus.

Old Scowlface was followed in short order by this contented fellow (or gal... how do you tell the gender of a dinosaur?).

If you are wondering why this terrifying tableau of nature red in tooth and claw is not garnering Jeff's attention,

it is because he can't take his eyes off this stunning example of instant-onset rigor-mortis.

Of course, Dinosaur Land also shows the tenderer side of the saurian world with several touching scenes such as this:

Cute little tyke, huh?
Then there is the Mosasaur who, with his pal the big-ass frog, is "swimming" in a sandbox as opposed to a sea.

What does Dinosaur Land have against our aquatic friends?
This guy caught my eye because he (or she--lord help her) is just one ugly dino. Whew!

They even had a statue of Ann Coulter! Now, this place is only an hour (if that) from D.C., so it stands to reason they would have a lovely tribute to Mantis, stick insect of the SS and all-around beltway insider.

Hey! Duuhh... where'd these EGGS come from?

Now, I know this guy isn't from the Jurassic, although I'm sure there are some who would make the argument that I am...

First the jaws of death, now the palm of peril--this was quite the thrill stroll for me!
And finally, without the aid of a sign Jeff is left to puzzle out whether this is Heckleosaurus or Jeckleosaurus.

Seriously, though, if you ever find yourself in Northern Virginia with a free morning or afternoon, head over to White Post (west of D.C. and south of Winchester), where, at the intersection of routes 277, 522, and 340 you will find Dinosaur Land! You won't regret it!

Labels: cheezy souvenirs, dinosaurs, Jeff, Nature red in tooth and claw, roadside attractions, Virginia
That is quite an incredible place! I'm left with a few thoughts after reading/viewing this:
1. What is that mutant-chipmunk thing at the entrance by the main sign?!
2. You're quite the literalist, aren't you? The sign said not to climb ON the animals, but it said nothing about climbing IN them. You took advantage of that, as I probably would, too.
3. Old Scowlface is probably scowly because he appears to have a nasty cold. Just look at how red his poor nose is!
Great. Now I'm dying to visit this place of pure kitsch. And to think that I can even buy wooden plaques of wolves, eagles, or Jesus! What more could a girl ask for?
Hi Ewok! Glad you stopped by!
I have no idea what the fanged thingy is by the sign... I would venture that it was a poorly researched giant ground sloth, but they had one of those farther along the trail.
If you ever find yourself in the northern reaches of the Shenandoah Valley, this is a great place for kitschy goodness!
Hmmm... I still think it looks like a mutant chipmunk. Besides, "mutant chipmunk" sounds so much more interesting than "giant ground sloth!"
BTW, I left you a little something on my blog. You may not care (because I think you're probably a little cooler than I am), but I thought I'd name you anyway. :-)
You in the shark--
Best. Portrait. EVER!
When your novel is published you MUST use that as your author photo!
And my bathroom cries for a Cedar Jebus Plaque. Yeah, whatever happened to all the cheesy souvenir stores with the tacky plaques? I want a collection of improbable groupings, say, Elvis, Jesus, and Johnny Cash all watched over by the loving gaze of Hank Williams, Sr., but the opportunities are now few.
Totally off-topic, but you HAVE to read "I'm A Believer", a little Monkee memoir you'll appreciate.
Gosh, ewok! Thanks! And don't assume I'm cooler than anybody... I'm a nerdgirl of the first order. g.w. can attest to that!
And thanks, too, g.w. for the kind words about the photo... did you notice that I have dropped a few since the reunion. Fingers crossed I can continue on the downward trend for now. I'm sorry I didn't let you know we were coming, but it really was a last-minute trip. I'm hoping to be in the big W for the FFF in October, if you're planning on same. I WILL keep you posted! And thanks also for the link. I love me some Monkees, much to Jeff's chagrin. Heh.
GREAT PHOTOS!!! Cort and I have to get in there...we've only gone as far as staring through the fence and shopping in the gift shop. I hope you stocked up on Confederate battle flags while there.
Especially love the shot of you in the tender grip of "King Kong" (or it is "Konga" or "Mighty Joe Young?") Cost of admission to Dinosuar Land: $4.00. Cost of Confederate battle flag: $3.50. Cost of seeing Cathy caught up in the grip of a gigantic concrete (?)/papier maché (?)/Sculpy (?) gorilla: Priceless!
What a fantastical journey! You and Jeff do the coolest things. Who would dare find a mutant chipmunk, King Kong, dino eggs from who knows where, an octopus, AND an unusually freakish frog??? Ask Jeff for me if there were actually giant frogs during dino time. What fun!
Thanks so much for the nostalgic update. Dinosaur Land was a favorite destination when our son was young. We also toured the other great kitschy Shenandoah Valley attractions. Souvenir stands were his greatest find. I took leave of my senses once and let him buy a tomahauk and a pair of plastic handcuffs at Skyland on Skyline Drive. It must have been the altitude.... Living in Virginia close to D.C. allowed us to travel and camp in the Valley almost every weekend.
This is the first time I've read your blog. It is great!!.
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