Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Another Quick Update

Well, it's coming a little faster now. I'm not quite caught up, but I'm getting there. And I think I may just make it! I took Jeff's and Beth's advice to heart, which means I've been doing a lot less tweaking and a lot more writing. Much of it will probably never see the light of day, but at least for now it acts as a placeholder for what will ultimately replace it. The total word count right now stands just shy of 92,000, and I think 12,000 words or so more should wrap up the first draft, but I guess we'll see where we are on the 30th or thereabouts.

Here's the first paragraph in the latest batch:

Friday had presented Grace with such a flurry of assignments and errands that she had barely gotten a chance to stop the Karmann Ghia on her way through the drive through, much less chew her burger properly as she headed toward the Save Tees Mountain meeting. She hadn’t even gotten a chance to take a look at the review of Bierce’s show in the paper’s “Weekender” section. She was sure she had pulled it off without being offensive, either to Bierce or to the good citizens of Teesville; she had described “The Money Shot” with as much discretion and with as light a touch as she was able. So it was with some surprise that she entered the social hall of the Fourth Church of God in Christ to murmurs, raised eyebrows, and more than a few pointed stares.

And the last:

Grace put down her coffee mug, tossed The Atlantic on the sofa, and started dancing.

The usual caveat applies: This is first draft. And yeah. I know the last graph is a sentence. So damned what? Heh.



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