2007--Ah, What a Vintage
So, it's almost time to bring down the curtain on 2007--and how did those resolutions of mine fare? Well, let's see...
1. Lose weight: Yes. I lost weight. I could lose more weight, but I made an admirable start, even if I do say so myself.
2. Get back up to at least 5 miles at a time on my runs: Well, I made it to four miles. Lately cold weather has kept me from running outside (what? you think I'm one of these "hit the trail no matter what" types? sure.), and work constraints have kept me away from the indoor track, so I've backslid a bit on this. I have been keeping up my Nordic Tracking, though, and it's a good cross-trainer for running. I think I might achieve this in 2008.
3. Get back into knitting: I was more engaged in this activity earlier in the year. I made a couple of sweaters for myself, but I have yet to sew them up.

I need to get back on the stick on this one.
4. And playing the guitar: Lately I have been playing a little bit. I'd like to devote more time to it this coming year.
5. Last but not least, finish the novel: Sigh. I'm almost there. I'd say less than 10,000 words to go. Right now it stands at 341 pages and a tad less than 95,000 words. Obviously, I didn't get a draft to Jeff by April 1. But I will this year!
Which brings us to my resolutions for 2008. All told, I didn't fail utterly... except for not finishing the novel. But I wasn't completely successful either. Therefore, I resolve to get in better shape (and that includes weight management and exercise--I want to run the Ricky Byrdsong 5K in May), to polish up my guitar skills, to knit more (and actually sew up and finish my projects), and to finish the daggone novel!
So, I say this with all of you as witnesses: I will hand Jeff a draft to read on or before February 1. You read it here, folks! Hold me to it!
And now, on to the much anticipated (I am sure) 2007 retrospective.
This year for Mardi Gras, we celebrated by decorating the cat. Well, I did. Jeff disavows any and all cat-decorating activities.

Laissez les bons temps roulez!
Jeff and I went to Normal a couple of times to visit Greg and to shop at just about every chain store known to humankind.

We also went to Marfa a couple of times, enjoying, as always, our sojourn at the Hotel Paisano,

attending a barn dance--really, it was held in a genuine barn--

celebrating the blessing of Rachel and Chase's marriage,

and cutting a bit of a rug (as well as basking in the glow of our own twelfth anniversary) at the party that ensued.

We went to the balmy Bahamas

and swam with dolphins.

We oohed and aahed over Independence Day fireworks on the Evanston lakefront.

We went to the West Virginia State Fair

and to the incomparable Dinosaurland.

We spent a waning summer weekend on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan,

and I headed back to the Shenandoah Valley for the annual local Fall Foliage Festival.

We drove up to Madison for a crisp autumn weekend of brewpubs and strolling,

making the pilgrimage to House on the Rock along the way.

Yes, I know that I've uploaded about a bazillion photos of HOTR to this blog in the last month or so... but what is one more among friends?
The weather here in Chicago turned quite cold early in December. There was ice.

And then there was snow.

And even more snow.

Christmas was upon us. Greg asked for and received an acoustic guitar--a really lovely Washburn that we liked so well we might just purchase one for ourselves.

Shelly received a toy, but she much preferred the discarded wrapping paper. As always.

And so, as the year draws to a close, I wish you and yours a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year. Let's hope that cooler heads prevail throughout the world, and that we can start working toward that elusive prize, peace on Earth.
1. Lose weight: Yes. I lost weight. I could lose more weight, but I made an admirable start, even if I do say so myself.
2. Get back up to at least 5 miles at a time on my runs: Well, I made it to four miles. Lately cold weather has kept me from running outside (what? you think I'm one of these "hit the trail no matter what" types? sure.), and work constraints have kept me away from the indoor track, so I've backslid a bit on this. I have been keeping up my Nordic Tracking, though, and it's a good cross-trainer for running. I think I might achieve this in 2008.
3. Get back into knitting: I was more engaged in this activity earlier in the year. I made a couple of sweaters for myself, but I have yet to sew them up.

I need to get back on the stick on this one.
4. And playing the guitar: Lately I have been playing a little bit. I'd like to devote more time to it this coming year.
5. Last but not least, finish the novel: Sigh. I'm almost there. I'd say less than 10,000 words to go. Right now it stands at 341 pages and a tad less than 95,000 words. Obviously, I didn't get a draft to Jeff by April 1. But I will this year!
Which brings us to my resolutions for 2008. All told, I didn't fail utterly... except for not finishing the novel. But I wasn't completely successful either. Therefore, I resolve to get in better shape (and that includes weight management and exercise--I want to run the Ricky Byrdsong 5K in May), to polish up my guitar skills, to knit more (and actually sew up and finish my projects), and to finish the daggone novel!
So, I say this with all of you as witnesses: I will hand Jeff a draft to read on or before February 1. You read it here, folks! Hold me to it!
And now, on to the much anticipated (I am sure) 2007 retrospective.
This year for Mardi Gras, we celebrated by decorating the cat. Well, I did. Jeff disavows any and all cat-decorating activities.

Laissez les bons temps roulez!
Jeff and I went to Normal a couple of times to visit Greg and to shop at just about every chain store known to humankind.

We also went to Marfa a couple of times, enjoying, as always, our sojourn at the Hotel Paisano,

attending a barn dance--really, it was held in a genuine barn--

celebrating the blessing of Rachel and Chase's marriage,

and cutting a bit of a rug (as well as basking in the glow of our own twelfth anniversary) at the party that ensued.

We went to the balmy Bahamas

and swam with dolphins.

We oohed and aahed over Independence Day fireworks on the Evanston lakefront.

We went to the West Virginia State Fair

and to the incomparable Dinosaurland.

We spent a waning summer weekend on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan,

and I headed back to the Shenandoah Valley for the annual local Fall Foliage Festival.

We drove up to Madison for a crisp autumn weekend of brewpubs and strolling,

making the pilgrimage to House on the Rock along the way.

Yes, I know that I've uploaded about a bazillion photos of HOTR to this blog in the last month or so... but what is one more among friends?
The weather here in Chicago turned quite cold early in December. There was ice.

And then there was snow.

And even more snow.

Christmas was upon us. Greg asked for and received an acoustic guitar--a really lovely Washburn that we liked so well we might just purchase one for ourselves.

Shelly received a toy, but she much preferred the discarded wrapping paper. As always.

And so, as the year draws to a close, I wish you and yours a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year. Let's hope that cooler heads prevail throughout the world, and that we can start working toward that elusive prize, peace on Earth.

Yep, what a year! Sounds like you really did accomplish a lot and had fun as well! You know, I never could knit anything beyond a scarf, but actually knitted three of them prior to Christmas. Hoo hoo hoo! (That's me puffing up my chest.) But I admire anyone who can do a sweater. Wow!!
Anyway, thanks for the recap. Love the snow photos! We're so lacking in the white stuff (snow, that is) it's depressing. I want some...even a little. I know the mid-west and northwest would be happy to share, if they could.
Shelly looks so cute in her Mardi Gras beads! Did she flash for those?
I can't wait to take Anya and Elliot to Dinosaur land. They should be ready in about three years!
Happy 2008!!!
Shelly is lovely! And I'm the Cat Decorator around here, too. Steven fusses at me every time I pretty up our boy cats. Calvin tolerates it, but Doogie fights me.
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