Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Screamer

We have a screamer in our alley, and when it gets going, the noise rings throughout the back half of the condo.

The screamer is a squirrel. It usually hangs out on the utility pole right outside the back room, which is Jeff's office/fort. It perches on the wires and screeches to beat the band. Sometimes it paces up and down the pole, screaming all the while. Yesterday when we went to the basement to get the tree box, it was hiking up and down the railing of our next door neighbor's back deck, stopping every few steps to, well, scream. We have tried to figure out what it is screaming at, but it does not appear to have a target of its wrath.

We don't know if it is simply royally pissed off at the world in general, or if it is simply mental.

Is there such a thing as a screwball squirrel in real life?



Blogger G. W. Ferguson said...

Well, color me ignorant--I didn't even know squirrels could scream!

But, ya know, if I had to spend the winter outside in Illinois I'd be screaming loud and long.

10:11 PM  
Blogger Cathy VanPatten said...

Yeah--they do. They sound like really loud, angry birds.

And I could understand its consternation at being out in the cold and ice and snow (although I am NOT inviting it in!), except we first noticed it a few weeks back during an unseasonable warm spell. It's fat and sassy too.

And, I think, completely nuts.

10:36 AM  
Blogger G. W. Ferguson said...

"Psycho-squirrel, qu'est-ce que c'est?"

No other explanation.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Cathy VanPatten said...

Run, run, run, run away!!!

4:24 PM  
Blogger G. W. Ferguson said...

Which raises an interesting question: how come we never hear Hall & Oates' "Diddy Doo Wop (I Hear the Voices)"?

4:58 PM  
Blogger Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Maybe it's the squirrel from my yard that kept getting attacked by a rat last summer. We had rats living under our deck, and they and the squirrels all enjoyed my birdfeeder. But this one rat kept attacking one of the squirrels. And I believe he was specifically targeting that one squirrel because the thing never touched the squirrel's girlfriend. Stupid rat kept throwing itself onto the squirrel. I witnessed this more than once!

Maybe that squirrel got fed up with its fellow Texan wildlife and decided to head east. But now he's insane from constant fear of rat attacks.

The rats are now gone, thanks to poison sticks from the feed store. I believe in live-and-let-live until critters start busting into my food supplies in the garage...

5:35 PM  
Blogger Cathy VanPatten said...

Oh my! An insane TRAVELING squirrel!! Yikes!

You know, it could be... this one seems to have a big chunk o' fur out of his otherwise very bushy tail... But I'll bet there are rats in our alley (I mean, it's the city and all). Maybe the screamer is having flashbacks?

6:41 PM  
Blogger Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Well, I'd certainly be having screaming flashbacks if I'd ever been attacked by rats!

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cath...does Shelley ever look out the back window? Sometimes squirrels and cats have a running contest...a "beating of chests" to show who's the boss.

Or it's an insane squirrel. Can you toss out some treats laced with prozac?

9:07 AM  
Blogger Cathy VanPatten said...

LOL, Beth--she used to settle herself up there in one of the back windows, but I think we have so much crap piled up back there now that she's too skittish to attempt the ascent!

She's plenty happy to chitter at birds from the sunroom, thank you very much.

Nope--I think the verdict is insanity.

5:38 PM  

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