Friday, January 18, 2008


109,207 words. 394 manuscript pages. The first draft of Half a Mountain is safely nestled on my thumb drive, just in case anything should happen to my trusty Mac.

It seems strange, knowing that I have finally written that last line, placed that last end mark.

Oh, I know the REAL work starts now--going back and reworking and puzzling over why in the world I thought this scene would work here or how I could have possibly thought that THAT scene belonged anywhere at all. But for right now, I'm going to pour a glass of wine and put my feet up and revel in the glow of this milestone.

Whoo hoo!

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Blogger G. W. Ferguson said...

(proceeds to do a Lurid Happy Dance for you)

Woot! Woot!

Now, post some damn excerpts!

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All righty!!!! Yay, Cath!! Doesn't it feel good....but weird??

Ah, yes, excerpts! Great idea!!!


10:21 AM  
Blogger Cathy VanPatten said...

It does feel odd... although I tossed and turned all last night, haunted by stuff I forgot to wrap up. Not much, but I'll probably tweak the last chapter a little to work it in. So it might end up a couple of pages longer.

Excerpts? Maybe I'll post a few as I go back through it and something strikes me as excerpt-worthy...

I might take a stab at a short story or two before I try to undertake another novel. I have a few ideas brewing in that direction (as well as what might be the germ of another novel--I need to plan out the next 15 years of my life or so, huh?) LOL!

I really do have a love/hate relationship with writing--hence all the stops and starts! I think, though, that I love it more than hate it...

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...that I love it more than hate it..."

Spoken like a true writer!!!


12:11 PM  
Blogger G. W. Ferguson said...


I'm having one of these days.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Congratulations! I know it's not done done, as you still have to back to do some editing, but it's DONE! I'm really happy for you!

5:03 PM  
Blogger Cathy VanPatten said...

LOL, GW! I know the feeling!

And thanks, ewok! I'm reading back over it, tweaking it here and there--That's going to take a while, I think. The problem? I can edit anyone else's writing, but I don't see half of my own mistakes--even after not returning to pages for ages. Ack!

10:40 PM  
Blogger Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

I know that frustration, believe me!

1:55 PM  

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