Happy Belated April Fool's Day!
Okay... I was going to post this yesterday, but instead I spent the evening vegging in front of the TV, bundled in a comforter, sipping peppermint tea, and wiping my red, raw nose. Yes. Another cold. Damn.
At any rate, yesterday was the biggest holiday of the year for the Young Fools on the Go (and the Old Coots on the Go, and the Cosmic Realities--who really are the only YFOTGs still around).
Oh, what inscrutable antics we got up to!

This is GW (aka the Grim Reaper), me, and Barb (aka rental bridesmaids) at the Sadie Hawkins Dance our Senior year of high school. Do NOT ask me why the Grim Reaper was hanging around the Rent-a-Bridesmaid table... GW? I'm sure you can enlighten us!

Here are Bruce, Cindy, and GW enjoying an evening of ice skating up on the mountain--could any of us actually skate all the way around the rink without holding on to the rail or falling? Such athletes!
And I guess this is as good a time as any to post the much-touted and previously promised photo of our esteemed First YFOTG President, Beth gazing reverentially at (or rather, over) the "Presidential Onyx":

Oh yeah, we had some good times. And we even got our photo in the high school yearbook when we were seniors!

Who wouldn't want to hang out with such a fine, upstanding crowd o' nerds!! (And I mean that with all fondness and pride!)
Oh, and lest I forget--Today is Barb and her husband Charlie's wedding anniversary. I have lost count of the years, but they've been hitched a while! Best wishes, y'all!
At any rate, yesterday was the biggest holiday of the year for the Young Fools on the Go (and the Old Coots on the Go, and the Cosmic Realities--who really are the only YFOTGs still around).
Oh, what inscrutable antics we got up to!

This is GW (aka the Grim Reaper), me, and Barb (aka rental bridesmaids) at the Sadie Hawkins Dance our Senior year of high school. Do NOT ask me why the Grim Reaper was hanging around the Rent-a-Bridesmaid table... GW? I'm sure you can enlighten us!

Here are Bruce, Cindy, and GW enjoying an evening of ice skating up on the mountain--could any of us actually skate all the way around the rink without holding on to the rail or falling? Such athletes!
And I guess this is as good a time as any to post the much-touted and previously promised photo of our esteemed First YFOTG President, Beth gazing reverentially at (or rather, over) the "Presidential Onyx":

Oh yeah, we had some good times. And we even got our photo in the high school yearbook when we were seniors!

Who wouldn't want to hang out with such a fine, upstanding crowd o' nerds!! (And I mean that with all fondness and pride!)
Oh, and lest I forget--Today is Barb and her husband Charlie's wedding anniversary. I have lost count of the years, but they've been hitched a while! Best wishes, y'all!
Labels: April Foolery, Barb, Beth, high school memories, Lee, YFOTG
This is just TOO good! What memories! YFOTG rules!! Love the photos...did anybody rent your or Barb at the SH Dance? Lee...ya scarin' me, man!! Ya look like one of those "tube characters" that used to perform in circuses. :) And ah, the Presidential Onyx...I wonder where it is now? (Wasn't it Susan Chamber's mom's paperweight??) Thanks for the great flashbacks, Cath!
You know--I must be getting really old, because I don't remember if anyone rented us!! I think they must have... but if they didn't, they really missed something. Part of the package was that we were going to sing "Throw Out the Lifeline" or some such gospelly hymn. And who wouldn't want THAT at their wedding?
Your photos always look like such fun! You've led a very full life!
Oh, my misspent youth!
And let us not forget Donnie McClamroch. showing up at Sadie Hawkins in preacherly robes and straw hat to perform the Short Duration Weddings (I think there's a pic in the annual somewhere--'tis a shame he never ran for political office as the blackmail potential is overwhelming).
Incidentally, that makeshift robe was WHS purple (scraps from the velvet stage curtain) and I was supposed to be the...uh...School Spirit, as in "Masque of the Purple Death" or some such nonsense, who witnessed and gave validity to the wedding ceremonies* (there was a yellowish sash that someone--who?--commandeered for leading reluctant grooms to the altar/podium). This was yet another in a long line of inscrutable Rob Dillon suggestions. And, yeah, y'all got rented, but for the life of me I can't recall which couples and whether you sang or not.
*Hence, the "ghostly" caption in the annual.
And ice skating at the Holiday Inn atop Afton! Do I recall correctly that the rink had only three rails and a scary drop into the valley below?
Ah, April Fool's...I miss making a big to-do about it every spring. This year I settled for phoning people from work so their caller id would register "U. S. Government," a frightening thing to see around tax time.
I'm pretty sure the ice skating rink at the top of the mountain had three railings around the sides and the far side. The only side without a railing was the one up against the benches, the bathrooms/ticket taker booth, and the slope leading up to the motel. But I do remember it was always so freakin' cold, no matter what you wore, 'cause...well...it WAS on top of the mountain with nothing to keep the wind away.
The best rink was at Natural Bridge, but, of course, it was an hour away....
Ah! The School Spirit! How very "Rob"!
And yes! There is a picture of Donny and Rob (who also has on a priest's collar. I guess they were doing double duty as "Marryin' Sams." By the way, I have to scan and post that picture, and I hope it will come out nice and clear--you will not BELIEVE what's written on the blackboard behind them. We were SO ahead of our time! Or, more likely, the nation went into retrograde a few years later and we've been creeping back to where we were ever since!
Ewok, yeah--I think all told I've lived a pretty full life. I was lucky to learn early on (my Fool's training!) that you can't depend on others for your fun, and that you'll miss a lot if you let fear of what others might think dictate what you try to do. I'd really love to travel more... If we ever get a national healthcare plan, I think I'll go back to freelancing and try to build a career (or a segment of one) writing/editing travel pieces. It's one of those dreams I hope to make come true some day.
And yeah--that rink up on the mountain was fun, but really cold! And not well maintained. I think there might have been intermittent gaps in the railing every now and again. Now it's gone, like just about everything else up in that tourist area on Afton. What a waste of tourist trap possibilities. What say we buy it up and start a mystery spot or something up there?
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