Our Only Fan

Jeff and I have been spending our evenings of late (well, a portion of them) playing Irish jigs and reels--he on the mandolin and tenor banjo and I on my spiffy new guitar:

It's the same kind of guitar we bought Greg for Christmas--a Washburn D10S. A dreadnought. Which means a honkin' BIG guitar. I'm kind of dwarfed by it, actually (although some would say that I'm dwarfed by just about everything...). It's a nice, loud instrument!
Anyway, Shelly (who, alas, is starting to show her age as a geriatric 14-year-old feline) will come sauntering in, hideous sock toy in her jaws, about two or three songs into our repertoire. She will sit on the floor in front of us, watching and listening, for another song or two. At some point during those songs, she drops the hideous sock toy (sometimes in my open guitar case), and ambles over to the sofa. She launches herself up on the arm thereof and settles herself in for the rest of the set, purring loudly enough for us to hear between songs. It's really funny, because in her whole life she hasn't shown much interest in music, except for Laika and the Cosmonauts. Well, we're playing stuff like "Kesh Jig" and "Old Hag You Have Killed Me" instead of "Aztec Two-Step" and "The Man from H.U.A.C.," but to her, I think there must be SOME connection!
An aside... a couple of months ago when Jeff was in Boston on business, I hauled the guitar out to practice by myself. It didn't take but two or three chord changes before Shelly loped into the room, all happy and expecting, it appeared, to find that Jeff was home. When she didn't see him, she was visibly disappointed. (Don't ask me how I know when the cat is disappointed. It's really obvious.) Anyway, she did me the favor of listening to me plink away on my lonesome!
Labels: banjos, guitars, Irish music, mandolins, Shelly
Oh, how sweet! She's such a beauty. And I totally understand being able to tell when your cat is disappointed. Mine make it obvious, too. I think it's fantastic that your cat enjoys listening to you play music.
Doogie adores music, especially Fiona Apple. But live instruments scare the bejeebers out of him! If Steven pulls out his guitar, Doogie hightails it outta there! The piano... well, that 5000 times more frightening than the guitar!
I do appreciate, though, that he runs to me when I sing and gives me lots and lots of nudges. It's nice to know that I have such a sweet little fan of my own.
Aww... It's nice that Doogie likes to hear you sing! Shelly does NOT like it when I sing to her. She gets very annoyed and struts away! Now, I'll admit I'm rather out of voice, but I'm not awful or off key! At least, I don't THINK I am!
A Kittie Kritic? Just remind her that She Who Controls the Food is the One True Master!
And then there's Sid, who listens to NPR all day while I'm at work and wanders off in a huff when I play my... uh... eclectic... collection of CDs.
Except for the lack of tan markings, Shelly looks remarkably similar to Sid.
They do bear quite a resemblance to each other, huh?
I take it you have the clouds of shed fur floating perpetually through your apartment, huh? Even a pricey Dyson Animal vacuum doesn't make a dent.
Oh, yeah...CLOUDS of fur. Planetary atmospheres of fur. I don't even bother with them until it forms enough of a conglomerate to trip over.
Remember: it's not fur, it's a decorating accent AND a fashion accessory!
The Loaf, my mother's 25 lb-er, used to sit in the guitar case while we were rehearsing. Maybe he thought it was a very large catbed?
Heh! Shelly hopped in the case the first time I had the guitar out of it and settled herself right in. It's navy blue plush in there, and I'm sure she knew that it displayed her fluffy whiteness to great advantage!
I can't believe the cat is still alive! I totally want to come back as a house cat next life time.
I'm going to have to take her to the vet, though. She's losing weight (probably a good thing, given how fat she is, but it IS a change), and she won't let me brush her so she has mats galore on her hindquarters.
She's still really hissy and diva-ish, though. And she still thinks my hand is something for her to bite. Literally! The hand that feeds her!
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