Monday, August 04, 2008

Lucky 13!

Thirteen years ago Jeff and I went down into Grand Caverns as single persons and emerged a married couple. I know, I know. It's so kitsch to get married in a cave. Except it was just perfect for us. Outside on that early August evening it was 95 degrees with probably 95% humidity. Inside the cave, a nice, cool 60 degrees or so. Maybe even fewer. The candlelit limestone ballroom deep beneath the rolling hills of the Shenandoah Valley was beautiful, and the music reverberated through the chamber as if it were written to be played there.

And here we are, thirteen years later, happy and healthy and hoping for many, many more years together.

A bit of trivia. Although it appears that the photographer captured a moment of starry-eyed, lovey-dovey eye-making in this snap, the reality is that Jeff has just told me that the air conditioning in our car made a squealing sound and died just as he drove off to the cave. My smile is in transition towards a very worried look indeed!

Here are a few more pictures of the festivities:

We danced...

we dined (although I don't have a picture of us scarfing down pizza, which was what we served (it's a long story...)

and we drank the evening away.

Then we headed off to ride go-karts and face the happily ever after.

Oh--and for the big finish? We went to dinner tonight at Prairie Moon up in Evanston (lovely spot--great wine, excellent food!), and as fate would have it, we headed home in the midst of a raging thunderstorm, complete with tornado warning! Yes! Warning. None of your wimpy watches for us. We actually found a parking spot on our block, and we sat for a moment or two waiting for the deluge to abate. Then, in the middle of a particularly flashy lightning display, we realized that the car we were sheltering in was parked right under a big tree. We hauled it (I mean, our own keisters, not the car) down the block and into the building, but not before we got DRENCHED. Ah well, at least the run helped us digest all that great food...

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Blogger G. W. Ferguson said...

Happy Anniversary! Has it really been thirteen years? How did that happen? I was eighteen just a few weeks ago.

I can't look at that first picture without imagining Jeff saying: "Soon our friends will be wandering Big Lots, purchasing plastic handcuffs and Zorro masks to present to us as wedding gifts. Won't that be fun?"

Congratulations, but should you ever decide to renew your vows I still think you should do so while mobile at the Go-Kart track., Rev. Wayne presiding.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Wayne Allen Sallee said...

Damn the Rev. for beating me to the comments. "G.W." was mentioning the caverns in one of his recent emails. That was one of my favorite weekends. Remember how a bunch of us went to the old railroad tunnel and NOT ONE OF US brought a flashlight? Give my best to Jeff. The next time you go to Oak Park, Harry is getting me out there, as well. Yes, I know. Always with the threats.

4:24 PM  
Blogger Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Happy Anniversary! What a neat place to be married!

11:16 PM  
Blogger Cathy VanPatten said...

Thanks, guys!

It's been a good run so far!

I think if we renew our vows at the go-kart track, I'd have to insist that that the good Rev. Wayne do the honors from the sidelines... sorry Wayne! LOL!

The whole cave venue was pretty weird to begin with, but it turned out to be so perfect!

Wouldn't it be great if we could persuade Beth/Cortney/Barb/Charlie to resurrect Pseudocon? Maybe if we all chipped in on the expenses? Or maybe we could make it a moveable feast--a different kitsch tourist trap (are there any other kinds of tourist traps beside kitsch ones?) each year...

9:03 AM  
Blogger G. W. Ferguson said...

Pseudocon must be resurrected and I'd be happy to throw in some money to make sure it happens!

Oh, and Wayne and I are attempting to start a new Internet meme: FISHNETS FOR (Abe) VIGODA! Work it in whenever and wherever you can!

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you two! You're such a great couple, and it's so nice to think back and know that Pseudocon played a small part in all this. :) It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding. I can't believe it's been 13 years!!! Wow! And you two look as young and innocent (AHEM) as you were back then. :)

4:26 PM  

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