Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pill Pockets Product Review, and a Word or Two about Gustav

Well, we THOUGHT the Pill Pockets were a hit... Although we've been quite successful pilling Shelly with the pill popper thingy of late, I wanted to try the pill pockets, because if they work, a cat sitter could make them up and give them to her, and we could go out of town for more than a day at a time... But alas...

This morning, we had our first pilling failure in several weeks, so finally I went out to PetSmart and bought the Pill Pockets treats (salmon flavor, as Shelly seems to like fish much better than chicken... at least if her penchant for wet food flavors is any indication). She gobbled up an empty one (and that's good, because she wouldn't eat this morning... sigh), so I made up a treat with the little pill pieces in it and gave it to her. (Note: we usually put the pill pieces--all four of them!--in a capsule so that she takes them all at once.) She lapped up the treat, but she kept worrying it in her mouth. Turns out, she had isolated the pill pieces, tiny as they are, with her tongue and spit them out! What a crafty cat she's turned out to be in her infirmity. And here we call her our dumb blonde! Not as dumb as we thought, huh?

Oh well... I think these would work great for most cats. And they might work better with only one piece of pill in each. We might try that next. But I think we have to keep at the pill popping for the time being.

And now, a word about Gustav: Damn.

Ever since the Katrina disaster, I've been following the blogs of writer Poppy Z. Brite and, once he got it up and running, her SO, chef Chris DeBarr. They evacuated for Katrina against their better judgment, leaving their home and most of their many rescue cats and other pets behind, hoping against hope for the best. They lost their home and a number of pets, even though some of their furbabies were rescued and returned to them after they returned to rebuild their lives. Poppy's blog, in particular, has been an eloquent and often raw account of life in NOLA after the failure of the federal levees and the obstacles and triumphs attendant to making a home there despite everything. I don't know either one of them, but I feel as if I've learned a lot from them.

This time, though, they are not leaving. I respect their decision. Having followed their story for so long, I understand it completely. But as I look at the storm track forecast and hear the labels "category 4" and "category 5" bandied about, I can't help but be very, very worried about them. So, even though they don't know me from Adam, I'm sending this message out to them: Stay safe. Keep each other close. I'm pulling for you to weather this storm well.

Please add any good thoughts you can send their way, and to all the folks now in the storm's sights.

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Blogger G. W. Ferguson said...

Talk about yer synchronicities! I've been reading Poppy's LiveJournal since, oh, I dunno, maybe 2003 and initially because she was POPPY Z. BRITE, the only person doing something interesting with vampire novels. Of course, by then she was writing her Liquor novels, which I adore but many of her fans loathe, and blogging more about food and New Orleans than anything else.

I was, understandably, captivated.

And then Katrina hit. And then the Katrina Aftermath hit. And I remained captivated, but this time with a mixture of horror and sadness, so when I read about Gustav my first thought was OMG, no; what's gonna happen to Poppy now?

When she wrote that she and Chris were not evacuating I took a deep breath, sighed, but, like you, completely understood.

Yeah, I've been sending them positive thoughts all weekend.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Thankfully, the storm died down a bit before hitting New Orleans, so hopefully, your blogging friends and their home are all right.

Now that I've seen the pill pockets, I'm pretty sure that they'd be useless in our house. Calvin is WAY too smart for that. We've made pill sandwiches for him before by smashing 2 treats together around a pill. He always figured it out. Then there's Doogie with his total disdain for all commercial cat treats... *sigh* And I was so hopeful.

10:28 PM  
Blogger Cathy VanPatten said...

Poppy posted a voice message on her blog, and they are okay. Although no hurricane is a good thing, at least this one lost steam and shifted a bit to miss the Crescent City. I hope it was as kind to the rest of the Louisiana Gulf Coast.

Bullet dodged. This time.

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poppy has been on my LJ Flist for the past three years. Her observations about the major screwups in NOLA have been eye-opening. Writer Greg Herren is also on my Flist -- he and his partner were also flooded out but are still living and working there, against the odds. Thank God this last storm wasn't too bad, although any storm is bad enough UNTIL THEY FIX THE LEVEES!


12:08 AM  

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