As Promised...

More fall foliage.
First, a view of the Shenandoah Valley from the Blue Ridge Parkway:

I believe the colors reached their peak last weekend, which was about three weeks or so since this was taken. Still you can see how lovely it was, even at maybe a quarter of peak. This is a special spot. This was the spot from which we scattered my dad's ashes over the valley. Illegal, yeah. But my guess is the statute of limitations has run out on that misdemeanor. It was his wish, and we made it happen. And now it's my mom's wish, and mine as well.
Here's another view, a glimpse through the trees down a path from the overlook, very near the scene of the crime.

While the trees in the valley and on the Blue Ridge were lovely in their early changes, the colors we encountered in West Virginia on our way home to Illinois were gorgeous. Here's a sample, snapped on the go, out the car window.

As we were passing through the West Virginia mountains in the early morning, the mist obscured some of the deciduous patchwork...

But it made the road ever so much more mysterious and compelling. Damn, but I love road trips!

We returned home to Chicago with our own northside foliage display right out our sunroom windows!

Quick kitty update: Mifune has the run of the house now, which means she spends a lot of her time hiding under the bed and other low-slung furniture. We capture her a couple times a day for socializing time, and she seems to like being petted and cooed over and fussed over once she's gotten past the indignity of being wrangled. She goes in Thursday to be spayed...
Labels: dad, fall foliage, Mifune, misdemeanorin's, waynesboro, west virginia mist and mountains
Hey, Cathy. I recall a time where I was driving through WV with Brian, he was dropping me off in Louisville and I was catching Greyhound. It was a total rainstorm the entire way up and down, I swear I recognize the scene in one of those shots.
It's a lovely drive through WV. I'd love to take more time to make the whole drive, though, and stop along the way to sight-see. I know there's a "mystery spot" somewhere near Hawk's Nest in WV. Don't want to get TOO far back into those woods, though! Yikes!
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