Life with Kittehs

Ah, yes. You heard correctly. We now have two kittehs in our family!
A little more than a month ago, we went to Tree House Humane Society shelter and fell in love with a little gray kitten whom the shelter folks had named "Arcadian." We brought all of his three-month-old, three-pound-nine ounce self home with us and renamed him "Mingus." I think it suits him better, don't you?

He is a little scamp, that's for certain! While we had him sequestered in the back bathroom, parcelling out introduction time to his new big sis Mifune, I tried to take some photos of him. He was just such a blur of activity, though! A feline dervish! Just take a gander:

I finally had to use the flash and risk demon-eye...

It took us about five days or so to do a full introduction, and at first Mifune was rather distant to the little tyke. I don't think she quite knew what to make of him. After all, he was just as pesky as little brothers tend to be.

He stalked her tail. He ate her food. He grabbed every toy right out from under her--and since she didn't have such a safe, secure kittenhood (feral as she was), she seemed kind of flabbergasted at such kittenish behavior. She engaged in a lot of observation.

And then THIS began.

And this.

And this.

It took us a while to realize that it was mostly just play, although it got a bit fraught when we brought the cat tree home.

Do not be fooled by the peaceful nature of this photo. They both want the top perch.

In fact, we've had the tree for a couple of weeks now, and only yesterday did they share the top perch without resorting to fangs and claws. Ah, sweet domestic bliss!

So, what're YOU lookin' at?
Your pics and commentary are TOPS. I'm glad to see that the kittehs are getting along. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Erin!
They are still wrangling for top position more than sharing, but at least they have BEGUN to share. A huge step in growing up. LOL!
LOVE IT!!! It's a bit disconcerting when they start wrestling for the first time, isn't it? Are they bunny kicking each other in the head yet? Does Mifune go easy on Mingus since he's just a baby? Calvin used to take it easy on Doogie during wresting matches... until he grew up, that is. Then it was no holds barred.
Your babies are too cute!
LOL!! Oh yes, the bunny kicking has commenced! My guess is that Mifune holds back a little, but Mingus gives as good as he gets... he's a feisty little guy, and getting bigger every day.
The fights can get pretty funny, I must say. Last night they were tussling in the dining room, chased each other into the guest room/office, and then came tumbling out of there and back into the hall--literally! Mifune did a front somersault into the hall--a full flip! Hilarious!
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